Voice SearchWhat Impact Does it Have on SEO?

What is voice search ?

Voice search refers to the ability to make a query orally by addressing directly a smartphone or any other device equipped with artificial intelligence. Through automatic speech recognition, we can communicate with our various connected devices. Our voice is captured by the device's microphone and then analyzed by the system. The voice assistant equipped on the device processes our query on the search engine and reads us the first search result. Tech market leaders have seized this technology to create their own artificial intelligence: Siri at Apple, Cortana at Microsoft, Alexa at Amazon, Google Assistant at Google. Smart speakers and connected speakers have emerged following the enthusiasm generated by voice search on mobile. Their mission is to simplify consumers' lives and perform a large number of daily tasks for them. Now, all it takes is to speak to one's device to get all the answers to one's questions: find a recipe, know the opening hours of a store, start playing music, etc. Voice search brings about many changes in the way we search on the internet, and it inevitably impacts how search engines operate and affect search engine optimization.

Voice Search : What's the Impact on SEO ?

Smartphones have become indispensable tools in our daily lives, and the rise of voice search has made it easier for consumers to find information. Now, all it takes is to ask a question to your phone to get an immediate answer. The growth of smart speakers like Google Home implies a shift in SEO strategy. The search engine is evolving towards becoming more of an answer engine to meet the changing expectations of consumers. Voice-activated search commands must therefore be taken into account as part of an SEO strategy. Unlike typing a keyword query into the Google search bar on a computer, voice-assisted searches involve conversational language and different parameters. Short keyword queries are being replaced by long-tail keywords with voice search and spoken language. For example, instead of typing "best restaurant Paris" into the Google search bar, people are more likely to use complete and interrogative phrases like "What is the best restaurant in Paris ?" with voice search. Therefore, voice SEO requires certain changes in strategy to maintain a good position on search engine results pages. Let's explore what these changes entail !

How to optimize your website for voice search ?

To optimize a website for voice search, several strategies can be employed to effectively cater to user queries and appear in relevant results. Here are some tips for optimizing your website for voice search:

  1. Conversational Content: Write website content in a natural, conversational tone that addresses common user questions. Utilize complete sentences and simple language to align with voice queries.

  2. Content Structuring: Organize website content clearly with relevant headings and subheadings. This enhances search engine comprehension and increases the likelihood of appearing in voice search results.

  3. Direct Answers: Identify frequently asked questions and provide clear, concise answers. Utilize structured data markup, such as Schema.org, to help search engines understand and present content as direct answers.

  4. Loading Speed: Ensure fast website loading times across all devices, as loading speed significantly impacts voice search performance. Utilize performance analysis tools like Google PageSpeed Insights to identify and resolve loading speed issues.

  5. Mobile Optimization: Optimize the website for mobile devices, as most voice searches are conducted on smartphones. Implement responsive design and ensure a seamless user experience on mobile platforms.

  6. Structured Tags: Utilize structured tags like title tags, meta descriptions, and structured data markup to aid search engines in comprehending website content accurately for voice search results.

  7. FAQ and Support Pages: Create dedicated FAQ pages to address common user queries effectively. Providing clear and concise answers to frequently asked questions enhances the chances of appearing in voice search results.

Implementing these optimization strategies can enhance a website's visibility in voice search results and improve the overall user experience for visitors.

At Uncoded Digital, we focus on optimizing our clients' SEO strategies by considering voice search, aiming to maximize their visibility on the web!